About Me


Hi everyone! My name is Amanda and I am so glad that you stopped by here for a visit. I am grateful for all of my readers and I sincerely hope that you find this to be a place to pop in every-so-often to grab a story that makes you whisper “me too” in your heart or a nugget of inspiration that makes you shout “I am enough” or “I can do this” out into the universe.

As a young child, I always found writing to be a really helpful way for me to process experiences, conversations, problems, and relationships in my life. I often wrote letters to people I was close to and found that I was able to better communicate myself with words on paper than words in person sometimes. Growing up, I found comfort in writing assignments at school and oddly enjoyed working on interesting research projects or free-writing tasks.

Now, as an adult, I still turn to writing as a means of therapy and since becoming a mother, I have found it a very useful tool for me to express myself and, more importantly, help other women to do the same.

I write to unite women in our journey here together. I write to encourage women to better themselves from a place of self-love so they can be the best moms they can be. I write to share my experience as a special education teacher coupled with research regarding my own positive parenting beliefs in an effort to provide a helping hand and alternative perspectives for those looking for them. And most recently, I’ve been writing to share my unwavering belief in the power of open-ended play on the learning and development of children.

I am a real mom just like so many of you reading this and I care about our well-being and the future of our children. I believe in us and I believe in the power of writing. I believe in our stories and in the strength of our compassion for one another. I believe in you.

Enjoy the journey and, please, come back soon.

Love, Amanda