While They're Sleeping...
/When they’re sleeping, nothing else matters but the sound of them breathing...softly and ever-so-sweetly.
When they’re sleeping, we choose to forget the trials of the day, forgive ourselves for the things we could have done better, and try to let our stresses go.
When they’re sleeping, we get down on our knees and thank God for choosing us to be their mamas.
When they’re sleeping, we count our blessings and breathe in the baby air surrounding us, filling us with the promise of another sunrise together.
When they’re sleeping, we watch them process all of the events from the day in slumber, listening to the lullaby calming us all.
When they’re sleeping, we caress their little cheeks, hold their little hands, kiss their little noses, and whisper “I love you” over and over.
When they’re sleeping, we see ourselves in them… we see our love running through their veins, their souls, their sleepy fluttering eyes.
When they’re sleeping, we are grateful for this opportunity to be the change we want to see in the world.
When they’re sleeping, we pray for peace in the world and guidance to let that start within the four walls of our bedrooms.
When they’re sleeping, we are easy on ourselves, we are gentle on ourselves, we take care of ourselves so we can show up again tomorrow.
When they’re sleeping, we whisper sweet dreams over them and pray for sweet days ahead for them.
When they’re sleeping, nothing else matters but the sound of them breathing... softly and ever-so-sweetly.