I Know Mama, You Feel Like You Got Nothing Done Today
/I know, mama—you feel like you got nothing done today.
It’s almost bedtime, yet the beds are still unmade from the morning.
It’s past dinner time, and the dishes from breakfast are still in the sink.
That email you needed to send never made it out.
That call you meant to make never got dialed.
That list of things to do today never even left the notepad—and certainly doesn’t have anything substantial crossed off on it.
I know, mama—you feel like you got nothing done today.
But you know what else I know?
I know that even though this is how you may feel right now,
and even though those things may not be done right now,
I am willing to bet you actually got a whole lot done today.
I bet you gave a lot of hugs today, held a lot of hands today or said, “I love you” a lot of times today.
I bet you spent quality time with your kids and gave them encouragement, comfort, support, or praise today.
I bet you made sure they ate something decent, played with something fun, and felt something special today.
I bet you gave nearly all of your patience, probably all of your energy, and definitely all of your love to them today.
And so,
I know, mama—you feel like you got nothing done today,
but you... and me... and all the other moms feeling this right now...
we have to choose to let this thought go sometimes,
we have to choose to see our efforts with grace sometimes,
we have to meet this place we’re at in life right now with gentleness sometimes,
and view the other beautiful story that so often hides behind the things we see left undone.
I know, mama—you feel like you got nothing done today,
but let me remind you that we are doing the most important work we’ll ever have to do with our children in those moments that we aren’t doing anything else,
and that, to them, we have done nearly everything today.