You Words Matter
/Your words matter.
They’re listening
even when you think they’re not.
Their eyes may be down,
but their ears are up.
They hear what you say when they fall.
They hear what you say when they get back up.
They hear what you say when they lose.
And they hear what you say when they win.
Your words matter.
They’re listening, so make your words
worthy, make them powerful,
make them match your beliefs impeccably.
What do you want them to hear?
What do you want them to know?
What do you want them to believe about themselves?
Say that. And then say it again.
And again. And again.
From the time they’re only just able to
lie in your arms and be still...
all the way through to the times when
they’re yearning to fly away...
Your words matter.
Never stop saying, “I love you.”
Never stop saying, “I believe in you.”
Never stop saying, “You matter to me.”
Never stop saying, “You can do this.”
Because there will be times they
don’t feel worthy and they want to
just give up.
And those are the times
they need to know,
and I mean really know,
that someone else out there
wants them to prevail
wants them to find joy
wants them to achieve their dreams,
and wants them to feel loved.
Your words matter.
Make them count.
And make them true.
And they will be better inside
because of you.